
Welcome to my existential crisis and my hypothesis of "will-to-live" for some reason.
Humans are complicated, a few individuals need to live, a few don't, when the time happens, they have their last moments. But what happens in the event that you're stuck on a room, no way to do, no way to go, but as it were have a pickaxe and a bucket of water and food, of course you'll attempt to elude. That's the Power of Humans, The will to live, the will to survive.

The hypothesis of "Will To Live" is intriguing, the will to survive in desperate circumstances is mind-boggling. (This story happened on Aron Rolster.)

The hypothesis of the "Will to Live" is that individuals, when confronted with existential threats, tap into a primal force that compels them to explore every possible way / avenue for survival, as evident in the instinctive attempt to escape the confined room using only a pickaxe, water, and food. (as i said on the last paragraph.)

One such example of my hypothesis is Aron Rolsten in 2003, he self-amputated his own arm to free himself stuck on Bluejohn Canyon in Utah, the lengths and determination to which people will do just to live life to it's fullest is fascinating for me. (He also did this on a dull knife.)

Another example is Ernest Shackleton, stranded on the icy mountains of Antartica in the Weddell Sea with their boat Endurance.

“She’s going, boys,” came the cry. “It’s time to get off.” source: https://www.history.com/news/shackleton-endurance-survival

The thing i taken note was that it is likely connected to the Fight or Flight response, within the restricted room (last paragraphs) which a human is stuck in, they go up against the confinement / who made them stuck there with all available means (fight) or to look for a way out and escape the room / danger. (flight).

This concludes my hypothesis.